Companies in Great Village, Canada

List of companies in Great Village, Nova Scotia: find addresses, phone numbers, email, fax, photos, customer reviews and more.

Last reviews about companies in Great Village, Canada

    Jalen Carter Added 2018-03-11
    Most welcoming church family ive ever met
    Feedback on Faith Baptist Church
    Cheryl Anne Added 2018-01-10
    Halfway on our way to Parrsborro, we filled up our gas tank. Features of the machines used in filling up a gas tank may not be that updated but it hel...
    Feedback on Wilsons
    James Ryan Added 2017-07-09
    Real "old fasioned" little store. Run by an old timer that the locals have affectionately nicknamed "the general"
    Feedback on Glenholme General Store

Weather in Great Village (Nova Scotia)


2025-03-28 01:00 04:00 07:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Temperature -1 -4 0 4 3 1 0 -3
Pressure hPa 1015 hPa 1016 hPa 1016 hPa 1014 hPa 1011 hPa 1010 hPa 1014 hPa 1016 hPa
Humidity % 96 % 97 % 91 % 78 % 97 % 98 % 88 % 78 %
Wind speed m/s 2 m/s 2 m/s 3 m/s 4 m/s 4 m/s 4 m/s 6 m/s 6 m/s


2025-03-29 01:00 04:00 07:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Temperature -5 -6 -5 -2 -1 -1 -3 -5
Pressure hPa 1017 hPa 1018 hPa 1018 hPa 1017 hPa 1016 hPa 1015 hPa 1017 hPa 1018 hPa
Humidity % 78 % 81 % 74 % 64 % 61 % 67 % 87 % 90 %
Wind speed m/s 5 m/s 4 m/s 4 m/s 2 m/s 2 m/s 1 m/s 2 m/s 1 m/s


2025-03-30 01:00 04:00 07:00 10:00 13:00 16:00 19:00 22:00
Temperature -6 -5 -1 2 3 3 -1 0
Pressure hPa 1018 hPa 1020 hPa 1022 hPa 1022 hPa 1022 hPa 1023 hPa 1025 hPa 1023 hPa
Humidity % 89 % 88 % 74 % 64 % 64 % 74 % 93 % 94 %
Wind speed m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 1 m/s 2 m/s 1 m/s 2 m/s 3 m/s

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